Introduction Last updated: 2019-06-01

Please request your API key & account ID with your account agent. You may download and refer to the document below to setup your own apps API to send the message through our API endpoint.

You can also Check with Swagger

PHP Example:

You can use any POST/GET tools such as POSTMAN or BASH to test the API endpoints

								$dataSend = [
								 'accountID' => $_POST["accountID"],
								 'accountKey' => $_POST["accountKey"],
								 'phoneNo' => $_POST["phoneNo"],
								 'msgBody' => $_POST["msgBody"],
								 'msgImage' => $_POST["msgImage"]
								$json = json_encode($dataSend); // Encode data to JSON
								// URL for request POST /message
								$url = '';
								// Make a POST request
								$options = stream_context_create(['http' => [
								'method' => 'POST',
								'header' => 'Content-type: application/json',
								'content' => $json
								// Send a request
								$resultPush = file_get_contents($url, false, $options);

Supported Language

  • PHP:
  • ASP:
  • JavaScript:
  • ReactNative:
  • Can be any code you familiar with:
Callout Examples:


API Endpoint URL:

Portal EzyChat Live:

Parameters Type Mandate/Optional
accountID String Mandate
accountKey String Mandate
msgBody String Mandate
phoneNo Number Mandate
msgImage String (File URL) Optional